Sculptra for Body

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Mountain View, San Jose and Carmel, CA

Woman looking into a fullbody mirror

Sculptra is an injectable that gradually restores volume and shape to the abdomen and buttocks, and can also be used to improve the appearance of the hips. Unlike dermal fillers, Sculptra’s main component is poly L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biocompatible polymer which is also used in some thread lifting procedures and in dissolvable sutures. Known for its use in facial rejuvenation, and its ability to stimulate collagen formation, Sculptra is becoming increasingly popular as an effective way to enhance and augment other areas of the body.

Sculptra is a nonsurgical body sculpting treatment that forgoes the complications and extensive downtime of procedures such as the Brazilian Butt Lift and the Tummy Tuck. And, for patients who want an hourglass figure, Sculptra can be placed strategically to address so-called “hip dips”, or “violin hips” where the curvature of the hip is indented.

Before and After Photos

Get the best Sculptra body contouring treatment for your beauty needs at Dr. Joshua Korman’s Wunderbar med spa. Speak to us about your area of concern at a personal consultation and take your first steps toward the body you’ve always wanted. Call your nearest Wunderbar location or send us your request via our online form.

About Sculptra

As well as its newer uses in aesthetic procedures, PLLA has been used as the main component in surgical sutures for around 20 years, and has a solid safety record.(1) Sculptra is a mixture of PLLA, other key injectable ingredients, and sterile water. It forms a robust hydrogel which was first used in cosmetic facial rejuvenation. Luckily for patients, providers soon realized that it could also be used to treat other areas of the body.

How Does it Work?

PLLA is used in body contouring treatments because of its collagen-inducing properties. Collagen forms a key part of the structural support of the skin. It fills the extracellular space in connective tissue, and helps skin maintain its strength and elasticity.(2) With the help of its key ingredient, Sculptra works by inducing an inflammatory response in the body. Its molecules are broken down and metabolized, which produces carbon dioxide, water, and a key skin component; collagen.

PLLA is hypoallergenic, biocompatible, and biodegradable which means that allergic reactions to treatments are rare.(3)

Benefits of Sculptra

Sculptra for the body can provide patients with:

  • Enhanced Collagen Stimulation
  • Tissue Volume Restoration
  • Body Contour Enhancement
  • Hip Dip Reduction/Removal
  • Natural-Looking Aesthetic Results
  • Hypoallergenic, Safe Treatment
  • Long-Lasting Results

Because it’s their own collagen, patients can expect to see their Sculptra results last for up to two years!

Is Sculptra a Dermal Filler?

Although it may seem like a standard filler, Sculptra is actually far more interesting! Dermal fillers like Restylane are incredibly popular med spa treatments that can boost tissue volume and augment features with hyaluronic acid. Although it produces similar results, Sculptra does not have the same properties or mechanism of action in the body. Unlike popular hyaluronic acid fillers, where patients may see immediate changes in their appearance, Sculptra restores tissue volume gradually over time. It works slowly and effectively to build new collagen proteins deep inside the skin. This allows our patients to achieve subtle but effective natural-looking results in just a few short sessions!

Sculptra at Wunderbar

For the Buttocks

A Sculptra butt lift, sometimes known as minimally-invasive gluteal augmentation, is one of the most effective non-surgical ways to enhance your behind! Unlike the liposuction and fat transfer of a BBL, and gluteal implants, it’s a gentler procedure that results in far less discomfort and aftercare requirements. We place injections strategically under the skin, which gives the area a thicker, more robust appearance. Over time, increased collagen levels in the buttocks will reveal a curvier, naturally fuller bottom that will enhance your body and help you realize your beauty goals.

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers like Sculptra are effective non-surgical treatments that can improve firmness, shape, proportion, and projection with minimal downtime.(4)

For Hip Dips

Hip dips are inward curves that can disturb the aesthetic balance of the hips. Not everyone has them, but if you do, they’ll be located immediately below the bony iliac crest on either side of your pelvis. They can be a frustrating feature to hide, especially in tight-fitting clothing, but an increasing number of people are finding out that Sculptra can help! By injecting into the problem area, we help your body produce the properties it needs to create a rounder, more flattering hip shape. Sculptra is a less involved, less downtime treatment for hip dips and a great alternative to fat grafting surgery.

For the Abdomen

Patients who wish to recontour their abdomen can do so with Sculptra. It can be used to smooth and even out wrinkled abdominal skin, and may even be useful for people who aren’t satisfied with a prior abdominal liposuction procedure! If the skin surrounding your navel appears lax or lumpy, Sculptra can refine and redefine the area for a more pleasing appearance. Contour your abdomen without any invasive surgical incisions and see the benefits of a balanced figure for up to two years!

Candidates for Sculptra

Most men and women looking to reshape their abdomen, their hip dips or their buttocks will be able to achieve great results with Sculptra. However, you may not be able to get Sculptra injections if you:

  • Are allergic to collagen
  • Have a serious blood disease
  • Have a blood clotting disorder
  • Experience scar hyperplasia (raised scars)
  • Are pregnant or lactating

Personal Consultation

Speak to the experts at Wunderbar med spa one-on-one about a buttock, hip dip, or abdomen treatment with Sculptra. We’ll design a customized treatment plan for you once we’ve found out a little about your medical history and the areas of your body you want to improve.

Collagen Formation: It Pays to be Patient…

At your personal consultation, we’ll counsel you carefully to make sure you know what to expect from your Sculptra treatment. As it’s not a dermal filler, patients must be aware that they will not see instant results. Instead, over the course of your treatments, and over time, your body will respond to treatment by generating healthy collagen. In just a few months you’ll see striking, natural-looking results worth waiting for!

Get amazing body sculpting results with Sculptra by contacting Wunderbar med spa today!

Sculptra Procedure


Before your Sculptra treatment, we’ll ask you to do a few things. These may include:

  • Speaking to us beforehand if you are taking blood thinners (e.g. Plavix, Warfarin)
  • Stopping any other medications that could cause excessive bleeding (e.g. aspirin, NSAIDs)
  • Telling us if you’d like us to apply topical numbing cream for your comfort

Wherever you’re getting it, a Sculptra treatment follows a few basic steps. We’ll prepare the area by thoroughly sterilizing it and ensure you’re lying in the best position for the area of your body we’ll be targeting. Where requested, we’ll administer a topical numbing agent for your comfort before preparing the syringe. The amount of Sculptra we use depends on the area of treatment and the severity of the volume loss. Most patients find their injections to be tolerable, like a pinching sensation. Immediately after the injection stage is complete, your provider will massage the area to ensure equal distribution of the solution.

After your treatment, we’ll give you a massage regimen to follow according to your personalized treatment plan. It’s advisable to use a moisturizer or massage cream every day until you’re directed to stop. In the first few hours after your treatment, you may still experience some desensitization in the area if you requested topical numbing, which will return to normal quickly. In a few hours to days, any bruising and swelling will subside and your body will begin the process of new collagen production. Please limit your sun exposure as much as possible during this period.

After around six weeks, you’ll start to see a difference in the appearance of your skin in the treatment area. These effects are long-lasting, with visible results from Sculptra treatment lasting up to two years.

Cost of Sculptra for Body in Carmel

Every Sculptra treatment is tailored to the individual needs of our patients. As such, the cost of Sculptra will vary. Please contact Wunderbar directly to book your personal Sculptra consultation, or fill out our quick online form for more details.

Find and follow us on Instagram to see real patient photos and find out more about the exclusive med spa treatments available now at Wunderbar.


Are the results from Sculptra immediate?

Although there may be some initial swelling in the area, this is only temporary. Many people notice a change in the initial few days after their Sculptra procedure, but the true results happen over time. Sculptra for the body takes around six weeks to see significant tissue changes. But, after that, you’ll be able to keep them for up to two years after treatment.

How can I get rid of my hip dips?

Hip dips can be treated in a number of ways. A more invasive method is fat grafting, whereby fat from your own body is harvested and reimplanted in the hip area. Minimally-invasive options include injectable PLLA treatments such as Sculptra. Patients who choose Sculptra often opt for it because it’s more comfortable and has a less challenging recovery than fat grafting.

What’s a good alternative to a BBL?

Brazilian butt lifts can cause prolonged discomfort, and they can be a more costly cosmetic surgery option. A safe, natural-looking alternative treatment to enhance your behind is buttock augmentation using a PLLA filler such as Sculptra. By stimulating collagen deep in the gluteal tissues, Sculptra can create an enviable shape and striking contours from all angles. It’s biocompatible and minimally-invasive, meaning it’s a safe, comfortable way to boost your buttocks.


  1. Sickles, C. K., Nassereddin, A., & Gross, G. P. (2021). Poly-L-Lactic Acid. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.
  2. Wu, M., Cronin, K., & Crane, J. S. (2020). Biochemistry, Collagen Synthesis. Retrieved from PubMed website:
  3. Li, K., Meng, F., Li, Y. R., Tian, Y., Chen, H., Jia, Q., Cai, H., & Jiang, H. B. (2022). Application of Nonsurgical Modalities in Improving Facial Aging. International Journal of Dentistry, 2022, 8332631.
  4. Lin, M. J., Dubin, D. P., & Khorasani, H. (2019). Poly-L-Lactic Acid for Minimally Invasive Gluteal Augmentation. Dermatologic Surgery, 1.