Long-Lasting Dermal Fillers

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Mountain View, San Jose and Carmel, CA

Close up of woman receiving botox injection in lips

Dermal filler treatment with BellaFill, Sculptra, or Radiesse is a way for patients to achieve long-lasting rejuvenation without resorting to a more invasive, costly cosmetic procedure. An increasing number of patients want to change aspects of their facial appearance with cosmetic filler treatments, particularly signs of aging such as prominent nasolabial folds, facial volume loss, and acne scarring. These fillers are safe and effective, procedures are conveniently short, and results can last for months, or even years!

Many longer-lasting fillers are formulated with skin-strengthening structural agents and collagen stimulators using microsphere technology, to improve the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and hypertrophic scars. Others use absorbable, semi-permanent, injectable materials that gradually restore facial volume. (1) 

Dr. Joshua Korman’s Wunderbar is a med spa that provides premium, long-lasting dermal filler treatments for facial rejuvenation. He will use his professional expertise to guide you in making the right dermal filler choice that will meet your aesthetic needs. Based in Mountain View, San Jose, and Carmel, we bring you the best solutions to your cosmetic problems. To book a personal consultation with one of our skin specialists, please call us at one of the numbers below, or get in touch online.

Mountain View (650) 254-1200

San Jose (408) 831-6229 

Carmel (831) 656-9331

Before and After Photos

Facial Volume Loss

Many facial changes occur as a result of the aging process. Some areas lose fat, such as the temples and cheeks, while other areas like the mouth and jawline, gain it. Oftentimes, as well as maintaining good skin elasticity, our youthful appearance depends on the distribution of our facial fat. One of the most beneficial things about facial fillers is their ability to restore natural-looking facial volume in areas of loss, as well as smoothing areas where wrinkles and lines have developed. Patients have a wealth of fillers to choose from, and can select the best fillers for the specific areas of their face they want to change.

Dermal fillers are safe and versatile treatments for the correction of facial volume loss and the reduction of lines and wrinkles.

About Dermal Fillers

Patients have gained increased choice in dermal fillers over the years. These cosmetic treatments are broadly categorized into two groups; temporary and semi-permanent. In particular, the 2000s saw the development of temporary fillers containing one of the body’s naturally-occurring components: hyaluronic acid. However, even though popular hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers like Juvéderm and Restylane offer fantastic results, they may not last quite as long as some of their competitors. Now, patients have a range of effective anti-aging procedures to choose from which can involve temporary fillers, semi-permanent fillers, or a combination of treatments!

Filler Science

Many fillers are designed to augment soft tissue quickly so results are seen immediately. This is the case with most HA products. However, other fillers work in different ways to achieve effective aesthetic results

  • Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) Fillers: PMMA is a biocompatible polymer used in the correction of nasolabial folds and acne scars. Unlike its rivals, it is classified as permanent. In fact, it’s the only permanent filler approved by the FDA. (2) When used cosmetically, PMMA is a gel-based, bovine-derived substance composed of uniform microspheres. PMMA fillers such as BellaFill provide long-lasting results and have high patient satisfaction rates. (3)
  • Calcium Hydroxyapatite (CaHA): CaHA was FDA approved in 2006 for augmentation of moderate to severe nasolabial folds. It can be used in this and other areas of facial rejuvenation to induce new collagen production (neocollagenesis); an essential process that helps skin maintain its strength and resiliency. Its microspheres serve as scaffolding for new collagen fibrils, through which it can achieve lasting skin and tissue improvements.(2)
  • Poly-L-Lactic-Acid (PLLA): First approved for facial cosmetic use in 2009, fillers composed of PLLA are long-lasting, highly biocompatible, and have an excellent patient safety record. (2)(4) They are used to restore lost facial volume, and induce neocollagenesis They can also be used in body sculpting procedures to augment or reduce tissue volume in certain treatment areas. Though results from CaHA fillers are gradual, they have significant staying power and effectiveness.

Which Filler is Right for Me?

When it comes to dermal fillers, the Wunderbar team will be happy to provide guidance to help you choose! Every filler treatment we provide has its benefits. One of the main disadvantages of temporary fillers is that patients must return for repeat injections every few months, and face additional costs and discomfort. (3) In contrast, longer-lasting, non-HA fillers allow patients to experience their effects for an extended period of time, which is why they are often seen as a more sound investment in the long run.


Bellafill is the third generation PMMA dermal filler, developed after prior formulations Arteplast and Artecoll. It is FDA-approved for nasolabial folds and acne scar correction. (3) This long-lasting filler is composed of microspheres suspended in a bovine collagen gel, and can be used in the following areas:

  • Acne Scar Correction
  • Nasolabial Fold Smoothing
  • Cheek Definition
  • Nose Reshaping
  • Under Eye Hollowing
  • Jawline Definition
  • Chin Dimple Smoothing

Acne Scar Reduction

Woman looking at her face, in the mirror

Acne scars can cause significant changes in skin appearance, as well as emotional discomfort and embarrassment. In some cases, severe acne scarring can even cause depression and social anxiety. In particular atrophic scars, sometimes referred to as “pock marks,” are concave features that can give skin an indented, damaged appearance. Unfortunately, this type of scarring is particularly noticeable and difficult to disguise on the face.

Atrophic acne scarring is common, and present in at least 40% of people with active acne.(5)

After one or two Bellafill treatments, patients can achieve smoother skin and effectively reduce the appearance of acne scars on the face.

How Long Does Bellafill Last?

Bellafill is specially formulated for longevity. Depending on the patient’s response to treatment and the targeted area for rejuvenation, its results can last for five years or longer!


Sculptra is a long-lasting PLLA injectable. It revitalizes the face gradually over a period of weeks, simultaneously restoring youthful volume and promoting essential collagen formation. Although it’s most commonly used in the midface (measured from the corners of your eyes to the corners of your mouth), it is also effective in other areas.

Sculptra Treatment Areas

  • Nasolabial Folds
  • Marionette Lines
  • Hollowed Temples
  • Cheek Depressions
  • Tear Troughs
  • Mental Crease

As well as restoring areas of facial volume loss, Sculptra causes a collagen response in the body that steadily works to diminish wrinkles. Research shows that it is superior in terms of stability and longevity compared to conventional classic fillers. (6)

Sculptra is not only beneficial in facial rejuvenation treatments! It can even be used in areas of the body as well to correct contour irregularities in the buttocks, abdomen, and so-called “hip-dips”.

How Long Does Sculptra Last?

Sculptra can be used in many areas of the face and body. Most patients will see results that last for two years, however, many patients experience their results for up to five years!


Like Sculptra, Radiesse is formulated to activate new collagen production which can smooth and soften the skin. It’s also designed to address volume loss, and is most effective in the mid and lower face. For over 20 years, this semi-solid, long lasting filler has been used effectively in countless facial rejuvenation procedures to address these areas of concern:

Radiesse Treatment Areas

  • Deep Smile Lines 
  • Corners of the Mouth
  • Marionette Lines
  • Pre-Jowl Folds
  • Chin Wrinkles
  • Jawline Contours (Radiesse (+))

The minute CaHA microspheres in the Radiesse formula create a secure scaffold for new tissue to form around. In numerous tests, Radiesse was proven to be more effective at treating skin folds than hyaluronic acid fillers.(2)

How Long Does Radiesse Last?

The results of a Radiesse treatment can last between 12-18 months depending on the patient. Some patients report that their results last even longer!

Personal Consultation

If you’re looking for an effective facial rejuvenation treatment, let Wunderbar help you decide! You can find out more about long-lasting dermal fillers at an individual consultation at our Mountain View, San Jose, or Carmel locations. We can assess your skin and highlight the areas that would benefit most from Bellafill, Sculptra, or Radiesse!

Cost of Long Lasting Filler Treatments in San Jose

The cost of your treatment is dependent on your choice of filler, the amount of filler used, and the area of treatment. To book your personal consultation with Wunderbar, fill out our form or call the Wunderbar location closest to you.

Mountain View (650) 254-1200

San Jose (408) 831-6229 

Carmel (831) 656-9331

Follow Wunderbar med spa on Instagram to see photos, get to know our team, and find out about the latest specials we offer!


  1. Sickles, C. K., Nassereddin, A., & Gross, G. P. (2021). Poly-L-Lactic Acid. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507871/ 
  2. Kontis, T. C. (2013). Contemporary Review of Injectable Facial Fillers. JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, 15(1), 58. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamafacial.2013.337 
  3. Solomon, P., Ng, C. L., Kerzner, J., & Rival, R. (2020). Facial Soft Tissue Augmentation With Bellafill: A Review of 4 Years of Clinical Experience in 212 Patients. Plastic Surgery, 29(2), 98–102. https://doi.org/10.1177/2292550320933675 
  4. Chen, S. Y., Lin, J. Y., & Lin, C. Y. (2019). Compositions of injectable poly‐l-lactic acid and injectable poly‐l‐lactic acid. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 45(3), 347–348. https://doi.org/10.1111/ced.14085 
  5. Dréno, B., Tan, J., Kang, S., Rueda, M.-J., Torres Lozada, V., Bettoli, V., & Layton, A. M. (2016). How People with Facial Acne Scars are Perceived in Society: an Online Survey. Dermatology and Therapy, 6(2), 207–218. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13555-016-0113-x 
  6. Ray, S., & Ta, H. T. (2020). Investigating the Effect of Biomaterials Such as Poly-(l-Lactic Acid) Particles on Collagen Synthesis In Vitro: Method Is Matter. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/jfb11030051