PicoWay Laser

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Mountain View, San Jose and Carmel, CA

PicoWay Laser

The PicoWay laser is a cosmetic treatment device that improves the appearance of scar tissue, age spots, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles. (1) It also has the unique ability to remove tattoos without causing the same scarring and damage as dermabrasion or surgery. Due to its ability to emit laser light at a wide variety of wavelengths, this FDA-approved device has an impressive range of capabilities, making it one of the most diverse lasers available.

At Wunderbar Medspa, our highly experienced team of medical professionals uses the latest technologies and methods to help patients look and feel their best. If you’re looking for premium quality care and rejuvenation, contact the location closest to you: 

Alternatively, feel free to reach out for more information or a consultation using our online contact form and a staff member will promptly assist you.

About the PicoWay Laser

While all lasers emit light at a designated wavelength, only lasers like PicoWay can release concentrated light at ultra fast intervals called picoseconds (trillionths of a second). PicoWay also disperses its light in fractionated and unfractionated patterns, depending on what setting the user applies. With fractionated light, the light is emitted in a dot-like formation which allows the surrounding skin to remain unaffected. Non-fractionated light treats the entire surface of the skin, adding to recovery time but providing more dramatic results. Finally, PicoWay targets the second layer of skin, the dermis, while it leaves the epidermis, the surface, intact. This contributes greatly to shortening the downtime since the epidermis acts as a protective “dressing” for the dermis.

As a picosecond laser, it produces laser-induced optical breakdowns (LIOBs), micro injuries in the dermis layer that provoke the increased formation of elastin and collagen fibers. As these fibers increase in number, your skin’s texture, quality, and elasticity begin to improve. Not only that, but this inflammatory process provokes healthy, perpendicular formations of collagen in scar tissue, effectively replacing the parallel formations that provide it with an abnormal appearance compared to the rest of the skin.

PicoWay for Tattoo Removal 

Due to PicoWay’s picosecond technology, patients can expect the device to erase their unwanted tattoos in fewer treatment sessions when compared to other lasers. (2) Each session is relatively short and only takes about 20 minutes to complete. The PicoWay device alternates between 532 and 1064 nm wavelengths, allowing it to effectively treat a variety of tattoo pigments on any skin type. The laser light itself enters the dermis layer and shatters tattoo pigments into small particles so that the body can metabolize and remove them. 1064 nm wavelengths are capable of penetrating deeper into the dermis where old, blurry tattoo ink tends to reside.

Benefits of PicoWay Treatment

All in all, you can expect PicoWay to provide a comprehensive range of benefits such as a reduction/elimination of:

  • Liver Spots 
  • Melasma
  • Wrinkles and Fine Lines 
  • Large Pores 
  • Sun Damage 
  • Atrophic Scars
  • Acne Scars 
  • Textural Issues 
  • Unwanted tattoos 

With its gentle, yet effective dual-wave technology, mild irritation only persists for the first 2 days post-treatment, and only topical anesthesia is required.

Personal Consultation

When you book your personal consultation at Wunderbar Medspa, your needs, expectations, and safety come first. During your appointment, you and your skincare specialist will evaluate your skin’s health and devise a treatment plan in accordance with your cosmetic desires. If you are choosing PicoWay for tattoo removal, they will discuss the intricacies concerning the size of your tattoo, its colors, and its age.

Our trained professionals can walk you through the preparation, procedure, and aftercare instructions to ensure that you heal well and see a noticeable difference with every treatment session. To see what PicoWay can accomplish for you, consider calling the office location most convenient for you: 


Any laser treatment requires that you diligently care for your skin in the days prior to your procedure. You should apply daily sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more to protect your skin from sun damage, especially if you are prone to hyperpigmentation. Depending on the severity of your hyperpigmentation, we may prescribe a cream called hydroquinone to help stabilize the condition prior to treatment. (3) If you have darker skin, using sunscreen will help prevent the risk of developing hypopigmentation, or areas of skin that are lighter than the rest. If you have ever experienced a viral outbreak in the treatment area, we may prescribe an antiviral medication. Finally, if you are a regular smoker, you should aim to stop roughly 2 weeks before your scheduled appointment to allow your body’s circulatory system to work at its best, leading to a faster recovery. 

Procedure Steps

Before beginning, your skincare specialist will cleanse the area and apply a topical cream that will provide full numbing within 30 to 45 minutes. After you are sufficiently numb, your specialist will give you eyewear to protect your eyes. They, too, will wear eye protection. Next, they will determine the correct settings for your skin’s needs and determine which PicoWay window size to utilize – 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 mm spot sizes are available for use. After your specialist applies the laser’s window to your skin, they will make several passes over the treatment area; one session may take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the area and the number of passes. For very large areas, your specialist may administer a local anesthetic in order for you to remain numb for the duration of the procedure. 

Patients describe PicoWay’s laser pulses as feeling like rubber band-like “snaps” upon the skin, but it is a tolerable sensation due to numbing. Once they have completed the session, they will apply a bandage to protect the area from the possibility of infection.

Recovery and Results 

After your treatment, you may notice some hypopigmentation if you are using PicoWay to remove a tattoo. If you are undergoing the procedure for skin resurfacing purposes, the treatment area may look red and irritated. Within the following 2 days, some swelling may settle in, so you should take extra care to use gentle soap and avoid harsh skincare products. Some minor points of bleeding and tingling sensations are normal during the healing process. Finally, you should avoid the sun and apply your prescribed ointment as directed.

After just one treatment session, you’ll notice that your tattoo is beginning to fade. In terms of skin rejuvenation, you will begin to see some improvements in your skin’s texture and some reduction in skin irregularities. We require that patients wait a few weeks before receiving another PicoWay session.

To ensure optimal recovery and results, it is important to follow our aftercare instructions provided:

  • Apply a new bandage every day
  • Avoid getting the treatment area wet for a few days 
  • Avoid shaving in and around the area
  • Avoid any self-tanner or products that change skin pigmentation 
  • Wear comfortable, loose clothing around the area
  • Take over-the-counter medications as needed 
  • Apply an ice pack to reduce swelling and irritation 
  • Avoid picking at any scabs

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 


Juvéderm is a dermal filler that contains hyaluronic acid (HA), a lubricating substance within the body that protects the skin by providing increased hydration. Your specialist can apply Juvederm to areas of wrinkles and fine lines, provoking the skin to regenerate its production of collagen and elastin and eliminate signs of aging. The added benefit of Juvéderm fillers is that each formulation is designated for a slightly different purpose and they typically add some volume to the facial tissue- promoting a boosted, youthful glow. 

Botox and Dysport 

Both Botox and Dysport are classified as neuromodulators, substances that alter the chemical messaging within facial muscles to promote a smooth, wrinkle-free appearance on the skin. Though they both provide temporary anti-aging effects and are made from the protein called botulinum toxin, they are processed differently from each other. Results from Botox tend to last about 3 to 4 months, while Dysport has been shown to last up to 5 months. 

Cost of PicoWay Laser Treatments in San Jose

The cost of your PicoWay laser treatment will depend on the number of sessions you require to get the desired results. Some patients choose PicoWay for skin resurfacing, while others may utilize it for the purpose of erasing a tattoo, so the cost will vary. A total cost estimate will be provided for you during your consultation with one of our skincare professionals. If you’re interested in making affordable payments for your treatment consider our various financing options which include CareCredit, Alphaeon, GreenSky, and PatientFi.

Contact your nearest location to find out more about PicoWay laser treatment at Wunderbar Medspa.


How many sessions of PicoWay do I need for tattoo removal? 

Patients may need anywhere from 4 to 10 sessions of laser tattoo removal with PicoWay to completely erase it. The treatment depends on the size of the tattoo, its age, and the colors it contains. 

Is the PicoWay laser painful?

Clinicians, for the most part, use topical anesthetic with PicoWay. Some patients may benefit more from local anesthesia to completely eliminate any discomfort. 

Is PicoWay better than PicoSure? 

Although patients can get very similar results with PicoSure, PicoWay utilizes more power (0.9 GW) when compared to PicoSure (0.36). This means PicoWay may require fewer treatment sessions. 


  1. Zhou YW, Hamblin MR, Wen X. An update on fractional picosecond laser treatment: histology and clinical applications. Lasers in Medical Science. 2023;38(1). doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10103-022-03704-y 
  2. Pedrelli V, Azzopardi E, Azzopardi E, Tretti Clementoni M. Picosecond laser versus historical responses to Q-switched lasers for tattoo treatment. Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy. 2020;22(4-5):210-214. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/14764172.2021.1886307 
  3. Hlavacek MR. Chapter 109 – Ablative Facial Resurfacing. ScienceDirect. Published January 1, 2012. Accessed November 3, 2023. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9781416025276001092?via%3Dihub