
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Mountain View, San Jose and Carmel, CA

Sculptra, Wunderbar, San Jose, CA

Sculptra is a dermal filler made of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) used to plump, volumize, and reduce deep wrinkles and scars when injected into the face. It is not just your average dermal filler; it is a collagen stimulator that works from within to gradually restore facial volume and improve skin texture. 

As we age, our body’s natural collagen production decreases, leading to sagging skin, hollowed cheeks, and deep wrinkles. Sculptra effectively addresses these concerns by stimulating the growth of collagen, the protein responsible for maintaining the skin’s elasticity and youthful appearance.

At Wunderbar MedSpa, we specialize in advanced medical aesthetics within our comfortable, modern facilities. Directed by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Joshua Korman, our staff is well-equipped to service multiple patients with many different aesthetic concerns. To schedule a private consultation with us, fill out this contact form, or call us directly at your nearest location:

(650) 254-1200 Mountain View

(408) 831-6229 San Jose

(831) 656-9331 Carmel By The Sea

Before and After Photos

About Sculptra

What is Poly-L-lactic Acid?

PLLA is a biodegradable synthetic polymer. Sculptra utilizes this substance in microparticles to add volume to areas of the body, particularly the face. It may also be used to plump the buttocks (sometimes known as a non-surgical butt lift) and smooth the abdomen in some cases. 

Sculptra is a stimulatory filler, meaning it stimulates the synthesis of fibrous elastin and collagen. When it is injected into the targeted skin, it causes a foreign body reaction. This signals to the cells surrounding the injection site that reproduction is necessary, allowing the collagen already present to duplicate. (1) 

The dermis starts to thicken, creating a dermal matrix that consists of heightened collections of collagen, elastin, blood vessel channels, and other important proteins needed to repair the skin barrier. Sculptra is different from other dermal fillers as it does not actually take up space in the skin. Instead, it promotes gradual tissue depositing to produce collagen slowly and steadily. (1) 

Why Choose Sculptra?

When compared to other fillers, Sculptra is extremely stable and predictable. An increase in volume can usually be seen within a month of treatment, and it is proven to last longer than other dermal fillers. This allows for fewer trips for reapplication. (1)

PLLA also stimulates collagen over a long period of time. Since the reaction takes some time to show the full extent of a patient’s results, your overall volume increase can continue over time. Compared to fillers that incorporate other materials like hyaluronic acid, Sculptra takes longer to set in, but can also be used for extremely subtle results or very dramatic ones. This allows the patient control over their overall results and structure changes to the face. (2)

Benefits of Sculptra

Sculptra is:

  • Versatile – Sculptra can be used on various areas of the face, including cheeks, temples, jawline, and chin. Its versatility makes it an excellent option for addressing multiple concerns and achieving a harmonious facial appearance.
  • Incredibly long-lasting and effective – Sculptra has been extensively researched for its efficacy in replacing facial volume. It is known to last up to 3 years in certain circumstances. (2)
  • Good for overall facial plumping – If a patient has widespread volume loss in many areas of the face, Sculptra uses less product for better coverage compared to other filler types.
  • Able to change skin from within – When injected correctly, Sculptra works underneath the skin to reproduce collagen and elastin naturally over time.
  • Non-surgical procedure: Sculptra is a non-surgical treatment, making it a safe and minimally invasive option for facial rejuvenation. There are no incisions or anesthesia required, saving you from the risks and downtime associated with surgery.

Good Candidates for Sculptra Treatment

Patients with wrinkles around their eyes, mouth, and forehead make great candidates for this treatment. Those with volume loss in the cheeks, under the eyes, and around the chin are also good candidates. For more information on how this treatment can be utilized in areas other than the face, read our page about Sculptra for the body.

Be sure to ask plenty of questions about what your treatment can address during your private consultation with us. If you have any inquiries in the meantime, feel free to check out our blog for more information about all things related to dermatology.

Personal Consultation

A member of Wunderbar’s team of highly experienced medical professionals meets with every patient individually to discuss their treatment. We will first examine the treatment area to plan out your injection map. We will ask about your medical history, allergies, and if you ever received filler or injectables before. Being completely candid during this appointment will help your provider correctly accommodate you and give you the best possible care. 

Depending on your treatment plan and targeted area, you may be able to receive Sculptra treatment directly after this meeting. A member of our team will assist you with scheduling any follow-up appointments at the end of your session.


To properly prepare for your Sculptra treatments, you should stop taking anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin. These thin your blood, making you more prone to bleeding during and after your treatment. We also ask that you avoid harsh chemicals that may irritate your skin for 2 to 3 days before and after your procedure. Stay away from products that contain retinol or similar components used for wrinkle reduction.

To avoid feeling lightheaded after your treatment, make sure to eat a balanced meal and drink plenty of water before showing up for your appointment. Please also show up to Wunderbar with a clean face free of makeup if possible.

Sculptra Procedure Steps

For the first step of this procedure, your provider will gently cleanse your face to get rid of any debris. They will map out the injection sites to create a comprehensive procedure plan. A topical anesthetic may be applied to keep you comfortable during your treatment.

They will apply the Scultpra in small and uniform injections in the desired pattern. They are extensively trained on the position and depth of the needle to ensure your results are complementary to your overall face shape and structure. This also allows for precise placement and better volume preservation in the long run.


After the injections are complete, your provider will massage the skin to evenly distribute the filler. If the product is not massaged thoroughly, it may clump beneath the skin and tarnish the overall effects of the treatment. We may require you to massage a few times a day for 5 or 6 days to prevent this.

There is no recommended downtime for patients associated with this procedure. You do not need to take time off of work and most patients go straight back to their scheduled activities right after their appointment.


Sculptra often requires 2 to 3 applications. For some patients, however, there can be an obvious difference in facial volume and wrinkle reduction right away after just one application. The results usually start to become apparent around a month after your first appointment, and it is at this time that many patients come back for their second treatment. 

Studies show that type I collagen increases by a significant amount for up to 6 months after treatment with Sculptra. (1) The filler is a great way to induce the production of collagen, as well as causing long-term production and lasting results.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 


Specially formulated to correct volume loss, Juvéderm fillers use hyaluronic acid to add volume to and structure facial features. This dermal filler is commonly used to add shape to the lips, cheeks, and jawline. The procedure is similar to Sculptra and Juvederm can be specifically formulated for your exact cosmetic concerns. We offer a wide range of Juvederm fillers for many different applications.


For another long-lasting dermal filler option, Wunderbar also offers Bellafill. A PMMA (polymethyl-methacrylate) filler, Bellafill is clinically proven to correct deep wrinkles, and volume loss under the eyes, and add volume to the cheekbones. Depending on the patient, this filler can last up to 5 years or longer. It is also commonly used to smooth skin indentation from acne scarring and to correct nasolabial folds.

How Much Does Sculptra Cost in San Jose?

Sculptra treatment costs are completely dependent on the patient’s needs, the number of injections, and the cosmetic concerns being treated. You may require more filler or more visits for treatment than another patient, and this will directly influence your overall treatment costs. During your consultation, we will assess your situation and provide a detailed cost estimation before administering your first injections.

To schedule your appointment, you can contact us by filling out our contact form at your convenience. You may also call us at the following numbers:

(650) 254-1200 Mountain View

(408) 831-6229 San Jose

(831) 656-9331 Carmel By The Sea


Are there any side effects to Sculptra injections?

The treatment can lead to swelling, bleeding, redness, bruising, and skin irritation around the injection sites. There is also the chance that small bumps may be present under the skin after application, but with proper massaging, this and other side effects can be easily avoided.

How soon after treatment can I start wearing makeup again?

There is no downtime associated with Sculptra treatment. You may apply makeup several hours after your appointment without complication. Your provider will provide detailed aftercare instructions for you to follow after your appointment. 


  1. Ray S, Ta HT. Investigating the Effect of Biomaterials Such as Poly-(l-Lactic Acid) Particles on Collagen Synthesis In Vitro: Method Is Matter. Journal of Functional Biomaterials. 2020;11(3). doi:
  2. Lacombe V. Sculptra: A Stimulatory Filler. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2009;25(02):095-099. doi: